Every year, I have multiple excuses for why my Game of the Year post is going up late. They usually boil down to being married and having a job and my gaming time becoming increasingly limited. Well, 2019 was a doozy of a year because I also had a kid! This led to my gaming time being reduced to almost zero for weeks at a time. Even when I play now, it’s in small bursts while my daughter is napping or being fed by someone other than me.
But this isn’t a complaint! Being a dad is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t wait to introduce my daughter to Mario and Pokemon and a million other games once she’s a little older. But until then, these are the 2019 games I did manage to play. My biggest takeaway while putting this post together was that I feel extremely strongly about three games, and then there are a handful of games that are also pretty okay I guess.
A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS4)
Afterparty (PS4)
Ape Out (Switch)
Borderlands 3 (PS4)
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition (PS4)
Cadence of Hyrule (Switch)
Control (PS4)
Dr. Mario World (iOS)
Far: Lone Sails (PS4)
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (iOS)
Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)
Life is Strange 2 (PS4)
Mario Kart Tour (iOS)
Metro Exodus (PS4)
Neo Cab (Switch)
Pokemon Masters (iOS)
Pokemon Sword (Switch)
Rage 2 (PS4)
Sea of Solitude (PS4)
Sky: Children of the Light (iOS)
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order (PS4)
Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (Switch)
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan (PS4)
The Elder Scrolls: Blades (iOS)
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Switch)
The Outer Worlds (PS4)
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (PS4)
As with last year, I’ll be breaking down games in these categories:
Best Looking Game
Best Setting
Best Music
Best Characters
Best Story
Most Disappointing Game
Game of the Year
For all categories except Game of the Year, I’ll have a ranked list of five plus as many honorable mentions as deserve to be mentioned. Game of the Year will be a ranked list of 10 with some honorable mentions. (For the record, all honorable mentions will be listed in alphabetical order, not ranked order.)
Given the nature of this post, there will be mild spoilers throughout. Let’s get started on the next page with the first category!
Thank you!!1