A Definitive Star Wars Movie Ranking April 5, 2016December 3, 2024Shea Castle 11 Star Wars is my favorite thing of all time. Not my favorite movie or book series. Not my favorite fictional universe. Not my [...]
Quickie Reviews #7 March 26, 2016December 29, 2017Shea Castle 1 Ex Machina Man, the ending to this movie really bummed me out. But it didn’t bum me out because of some statement the [...]
The Most Overrated Gaming Franchises March 22, 2016January 11, 2018Shea Castle 2 There have been quite a few gaming franchises over the years, all with different levels of success. Some, like Mario, have managed to [...]
Quickie Reviews #6 March 19, 2016June 29, 2018Shea Castle 3 Vikings – Season One This show had been sitting around the middle of my backlog for quite some time. I remember seeing [...]
10 Great Games I Missed from Last Generation March 9, 2016January 11, 2018Shea Castle Comment “There are too many games and not enough time to play them.” It’s a common refrain that I’m sure you’ve heard, and perhaps [...]
The 25 Most Anticipated Games of 2016! February 27, 2016January 11, 2018Shea Castle 1 I know, I know, we’re already two months into 2016 and great games like The Witness and Firewatch have already come out. But, [...] Pages: 1 2
Five “First Person Experience” Games to Watch! July 20, 2015January 11, 2018Shea Castle Comment There’s a new video game genre in town, and it’s called the “first person experience,” or “FPX.” What makes this different from a [...]
The Top 20 Coolest Games at E3 2015 July 1, 2015January 11, 2018Shea Castle 2 Now that we’re two weeks after E3, I thought it might be fun to reflect on what I thought the coolest games were [...] Pages: 1 2
Shea Reviews – Game of Thrones S05E10 – Mother’s Mercy June 20, 2015July 5, 2016Shea Castle Comment *Note: This review contains spoilers for the episode and light references to the books. Soooooo, yeah. We now live in a world where [...]
Shea’s E3 2015 Predictions! June 13, 2015July 25, 2016Shea Castle Comment Hey everyone, over the past two weeks I’ve been uploading videos to my YouTube channel containing predictions my brother and I came up [...]