Ranking Every Season of The Office April 30, 2017January 11, 2018Shea Castle 3 I have complicated feelings about The Office. The first four seasons were so amazingly good that in a vacuum, I’d consider it to [...]
Ranking Every Season of Parks and Recreation October 7, 2016June 23, 2018Shea Castle 7 Parks and Recreation is a special show. There have been very few comedic series over the years that have made me feel as [...]
Ranking Every Season of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia August 27, 2016January 27, 2023Shea Castle 10 I love television shows, and I love ranking things. It only makes sense to combine the two. I’ll be ranking every season [...]
A Definitive Star Wars Movie Ranking April 5, 2016December 3, 2024Shea Castle 11 Star Wars is my favorite thing of all time. Not my favorite movie or book series. Not my favorite fictional universe. Not my [...]