
Shea Reviews – Super Mario Odyssey
When it comes to consistent quality, few franchises can claim the success of Mario. Everyone’s favorite plumber has made the tough transition from

Shea’s Top 10 Games from 2006
I’ve never gone back and put together a list of my favorite games from 2000-2009. Until now. Here are my retrospective favorite games

Ranking the Ratchet and Clank Games
The Ratchet and Clank series is one of my favorites in gaming. I’ve gotten the platinum trophy in three of its games,

Shea’s Top 10 Games from 2004
I’ve never gone back and put together a list of my favorite games from 2000-2009. Until now. Here are my retrospective favorite games

Shea’s Top 10 Games from 2002
I’ve never gone back and put together a list of my favorite games from 2000-2009. Until now. Here are my retrospective favorite games

Five “First Person Experience” Games to Watch!
There’s a new video game genre in town, and it’s called the “first person experience,” or “FPX.” What makes this different from a