Ranking the Harry Potter Movies November 17, 2016August 23, 2019Shea Castle 3 I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd. Pottermore correctly sorted me into Ravenclaw and my Patronus is a wolf, in case you were wondering [...]
A Scientific Ranking of the Original 151 Pokemon October 26, 2016December 28, 2024Shea Castle Comment Do you want to be the very best, but don’t have a lot of free time? Do you want to catch ’em all, [...] Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
An Idiot’s Guide to Rotten Tomatoes August 3, 2016December 27, 2017Shea Castle Comment Recently, marquee releases like Suicide Squad and Justice League have caused an influx of a vocal minority spewing vitriol at Rotten Tomatoes, blaming [...]
A Definitive Ranking of the Marvel Universe Films June 21, 2016December 3, 2024Shea Castle 5 NOTE: This post contains spoilers for all Marvel movies. You’ve been warned! Now that Thanos has won and half our favorite superheroes are [...] Pages: 1 2
A Definitive Star Wars Movie Ranking April 5, 2016December 3, 2024Shea Castle 11 Star Wars is my favorite thing of all time. Not my favorite movie or book series. Not my favorite fictional universe. Not my [...]