
Ranking the Spider-Man Movies
We now live in a world where we’ve had three iterations of Spider-Man in the last 15 years. It seems like most people

Ranking the Batman Movies
Batman is arguably the most iconic and popular superhero of all time, which is all the more impressive when you consider that he

Ranking the X-Men Movies
There’s been a fair amount of vitriol thrown in Fox’s general direction the past few years over the quality of the X-Men movies

Ranking the Harry Potter Movies
I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd. Pottermore correctly sorted me into Ravenclaw and my Patronus is a wolf, in case you were wondering

Game of the Year 1988-1999
Since I have Game of the Year posts starting in 2000, I thought that I should close the loop and name a game

Ranking Every Season of Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation is a special show. There have been very few comedic series over the years that have made me feel as

Ranking Every Season of Dexter
Over a decade ago, Dexter made its debut on Showtime, and it was one of the most original television shows in the history